Our practice will now be sending billing reminders via email and text. You can pay your bill online.
Please review the letter from Dr. Alice Mar regarding her departure from our practice. Her last day will be May 21.

M.D., FAAP General Pediatrics

Dr. Alice Mar

Education :
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Awards & Honors :
About :

Dr. Mar has lived in Virginia her entire life. She grew up in Richmond, VA and attended the University of Richmond. She then moved to Northern Virginia to attend Georgetown University Medical School and has been in the area ever since, except for the time she spent at the University of Virginia for her pediatric residency. Dr Alice has wanted to be a doctor as long as she can remember and is incredibly thankful for the fun, challenging and rewarding job of being a pediatrician. She joined Farrell Pediatrics in 2000. One of her favorite parts of her job of being a pediatrician is seeing kids grow up and being a small part of their lives. She also likes that medicine challenges her intellectually. She serves as an officer with a local pediatric society that meets for pediatric lectures quarterly. In 2009 she received an award from the American Academy of Pediatrics for achieving a high level of continuing medical eduation. Dr. Alice and her husband, an architect, have two boys and a girl. They homeschool their children and are involved in the local homeschooling community. They are also very involved in community service through their church in Arlington. In her free time, Dr. Alice is usually found reading a good book. She also enjoys being outdoors, swimming and travel. She and her husband try to make the most of living in the wonderful area by going into DC at least once a month with the kids and taking advantage of all the great opportunities the city has to offer.